What a pleasure it is not just to be yourself, whoever you want to be instead of wherever and for what purpose, completely free to create whatever you long for.
Not bound to any optimisation, system, responsibility or commitment, but open to any form of free interaction. The past is only the sound and shadow that it has to be due to its fleeting nature.
Self-empowered instead of a self by the grace of others.
A bit of Dadaism, a lot of transhuman grinning cat cuddling, if you need proof, create it. Practice makes you a master, but don't let others decide when you're a master, this hormone-fuelled race to be the best has long since become a futility full of exaggerated perfectionism for tenths of a second and pixel Freudian gawking too much.
In healthy comparison and imitation without coercion, we act better than a variation of a variation.
Living easy opens the treasure chest of global life, the infinity of relaxed and free existence, no matter what your parents, schoolmates, neighbours or customs officials and judges tell you. Don't trust any member or community more than necessary, if you have to, raise reliable, loyal children or enter into selected first-class dependencies with long-tested creatures who multiply you instead of castrating you. If this is not possible at times, favour well-dosed solitude.
We are in an unprecedented era of joy, but that does not mean that we should continue to absorb it in a future-ignorant way, or fizzle out into the afterlife on tracks prefabricated by others; for our possibly damn long life, it is important to act, plan and design in a sustainable, forward-thinking and emotionally intelligent way.
If you don't intend to indulge in 20, 30, 40 over-motivated years of madness in total enjoyment until you burst or burn out, if you switch everything to as long as possible, as cool and safe as possible at the same time, then you will quickly realise by yourself that a smart life can only be easy if we learn to create a world out of pure self-interest that is still worth living in 2100 and preferably even more worth living in.
Living easy tries to collect all the suitable life hacks that are actually worthwhile, are real and not just another new trend and a new wording filled with the most banal bullshit:
Quality before quantity, quantitative quality as the ultimate high. But first, decadence cleaned up. Bullshit proofed. The concept that was once invented for the so-called jobs and has since become established is of course far more versatile and, like many things, is generously adopted.
Living Easy is a travel guide through the exploding diversity of human existence, not least due to modern media. In this new, unprecedented complexity of the world, we have the reflex within us to simplify, to retreat into simple answers and small tribal societies of cronies who pat each other on the back and share this need for simplicity. With the almost shocking consequence of being less than even people of previous centuries.
Easy does not mean simple, lightness of being does not mean caveman level.
We are not degenerating because of our decadence alone, we are degenerating because of our misunderstood minimalism and adherence to disproved facts and instructions.
No, this is not the latest version of ultimate wisdom, this collection of essays and factsheets, guides and nutshells is here to boost you, to help you redesign and reorganise your small or big world(s). Expanding.
A support for everything, a coaching and mentorshippping for every fucking important part of your OWN way(s).
And a lot of things are not important in daylight, sorry, there is nothing here about how you can climb as many mountains as cheaply as possible (depending on the mortality risk, extremely stupid, especially if you have a family or other bondings are also oldschoolegomaniacally shitty) or which superfood is really superfood, okay, but be disappointed in advance, it's pretty damn limited.
Actually, a lot was already on the right track when the Internet sought to ally itself with the younger generations around the turn of the millennium to create a newer, freer life model, then strengthened once again by Mr Jobs' really fine gift to our world. In the meantime, however, there is no reason to celebrate, Apple has become a bullshit product, Jobs is dead, the Internet is increasingly regulated by the establishment which fears for its rule.
Nevertheless, the
of course in the long run, but it is in a clinch with the garbage and all the insanity of a bizarre and never-returning era.
This extends across every kind of bubble or tribe, topics and nobody has an overview or at least makes an effort to do so. In the early days of the web, for example, the Yahoo catalogue was a remarkable and really useful aid and for a long time preferable to the then emerging Google.
Then Google had better and better cards due to the increasing desire for everything, the curation degenerated more and more every year, even reviews open or professional are no substitute for non-commercially orientated evaluation despite the exciting mass effect.
Newer features from Google such as the schemas already address this need a little, but are immediately pushed by the greedys around who mostly need and push dummies. Before it gets too technical, let's leave the thread and stick to the point:
Nobody teaches us how to live.
Schools are outdated and, despite the efforts of some teachers, obsolete structures, more than ever simply producers of future labour slaves and far from promoting a strong, diverse personality.
Political, ethical, economic and practical life education ? How many hours are used for this?
Parents are usually either too old, too busy or too young and still experimenting themselves, usually only to a limited extent, freeing themselves from their own parents, the grandparents who are even less able to understand. Analysing generations means becoming depressed ?
But to lighten up again very quickly, this is a temporary development that will tip over into the really positive in two to three shipyard new ant production cycles, but until then there must be another form of support and teaching, a kind of Doctor Google ( I call this knowledge kick drug-like dream experiencewennichihnfrage uncle ) with curation, an Alexa with more than just blah blah blah, so to speak. Your Ki friend. By the way, you can create it yourself, but that's another index card in the sense of being sinful. I'll show you later.
Living easy has no interest in the revolution that the author of these lines simply insists on out of a happy heart. This here is just a kind of travel guide in confusing times, which for many feel like they are in a never-ending puberty.
And there is so much to discover and awaken, from the Panama Papers for everyone to the cheats of digital nomads, from the secrets of the rich, powerful and gangsters that should be open to everyone to all the nerd niches in which jewels await the everyday life of our everydayness.
There are no promises of salvation, revelations or miracles to be found here, but rather an uncompromising expansion of your room for manoeuvre, your options and design possibilities. Basically, it's about
The art of living
in itself. But Living Easy does not tell you that the meaning of life is happiness or being there for others, accumulating money or as many pleasurable experiences as possible. There is no meaning to life beyond the present moment, and the present is beyond you and your connects.
It doesn't matter what we or any other single living being in this universe and possible others from this here and now exist with full consciousness and the future that we/it assumes/takes is likely to experience. Everything is absolutely equal and we should rather concentrate on perceiving every moment as fulfilling as possible, and as many moments of it as possible. But even this statement is already a very bold and arbitrary one.
Whether that makes you an eternal traveller, a monk or a president is up to you, not someone who is not you. Whore, pop star, narcissist, camping freak, clown or shaman, everything lures and scratches in the billion Doors of Beeing.
Here is a toolset, a collection and 101 for much and more, like all my books and concepts it is open ended and switchy and always and casually editable and expandable, how boring to be the same book tomorrow or a year from now, the same blog, that would mean I would have failed to celebrate my own ordinariness, in my own being.
No, everything is in motion, and created works should remain so. The slow, crawling existence of past human history is coming to an end, we are on the way to reigning god-like over the moments and perspectives we have created, whereby reigning could then perhaps be a construct with less negative connotations for the first time.
But I, as far as I am, fear that I will no longer be able to experience this in all its splendour on my own responsibility, but what remains my concern and possibility is to promote this evolutionary development and to offer people or any interested living being one or two insights and the support to be something or much more what they could be if they wanted to be themselves.
Magical words that immediately require the dampening of expectation.
Because the state in which we all find ourselves is, if we were to take a closer look, worthy of regret or even fright: we are a civilisation of neurotics and/or otherwise mentally disturbed beings. With a somewhat stricter interpretation and intensive analysis, hardly anyone can still be considered mentally healthy; physically, the situation is probably similar after the adolescent years.
So unfortunately we don't start in that anything is possible space of the Matrix that will eventually become a very real reality and decoupling is not necessary because this part of the film is more dystopian Hollywood braggadocio.
Living easy doesn't focus on changing that too much, if you're in the mood for enlightenment and magic, you're better off with the modern version of it, which I also write about.
In practice, we all want to eat properly, sleep safely, have a good shag and live to be one hundred and fifty with as few worries and as much fun as possible. If possible, even without having to kill others or constantly take advantage of them. Do you want that too? Then you've come to the right place.
But even without needlessness mania and mindful balanced boredom it is necessary to tweak your senses, mindset and ability to be free, we all probably need a major overhaul if we need a toolset like this.
Have your Shit together is a bit more detailed than the later parts of the book, where you really have to rummage around in the Wunder Kammer and take as much as you can with as much as you can.
The Easy is often mistaken for simple-mindedness without a thirst for knowledge, defragmenting your system is recommended, after which you can wallow in your pigsty again, but it will be as alien to you as a piece of clothing you have outgrown. An old acquaintance who still clings to the same "ideals" and behaviour as fifty years ago. But you are hopefully much more relaxed than before. Why do you think the Scientologists find something in almost every clearing? On the one hand, of course, because they want to have control over you so that they can spread and disseminate their themes, but on the other hand, of course, because there is so fucking much to discover at almost every clearing.
Human history is absolutely insignificant for our future, but despite doubts about the various traditions and even more doubts about their completeness, history is always written by winners and derived from them:
From the biggest psychopaths or the most cowering sycophants and hardly ever from free people, these have always been very, very rare.
But one thing we can learn from it is that it is only in the last few decades that we have begun to break away from all this and build a new individual yet shared future that suits us. The current state of humanity is little more than a disgusting fiasco, the only ray of hope seems to be that we have been recognising and reflecting on this for some time, even striving to change it.
But so far we are not even in labour pains, we are struggling along in the womb of the nation, suspecting that more is possible than belonging to the biggest regional madman and his Kafkaesque administrators as an identity and gross national product factor. To be a number.
This is an unblaming observation, this psychopath up there is also the result of this history in itself. We have brought so much delusion, guilt and stupidity with us, it will be a long time before the planet and the most successful species on it will be more harmonious, sober and intelligent. I (?) do my best for.
So let's let our shameless desire to love and dream in this chaos, to build creatively and independently in the morning run its course. Pleasures instead of Tragedys. Fuck Yahweh, Sartre and the Chancellor, be everything and more for your own pleasure. Be black swans!!!